Lantern Architecture
ABN: 27168642724

Primary phone number

Secondary phone number

Fax number


We deliver Sensitive Architectural Responses through the creative adaption and reuse of heritage buildings to create a sense of place and allow for the sustainable continued use of buildings into the future, meeting the needs of today.

In a rapidly changing “virtual’’ world the importance of ‘’real’’ social interaction and connection is fundamentally crucial to our sense of identity and belonging. At Lantern we aim to create spaces that anchor people to their individual context. Our goal is to help our clients envision a better future, through the power of design. This allows us to continuously deliver rational and innovative solutions through architecture’s potential to enhance humanity with space, light and materiality.

We understand the importance of listening first. We recognise that every project is different, requiring a unique approach to ensure the highest outcome is achieved.

Our designs are not a predetermined style, rather an evolution of design exploration that result in architecture that is appropriately and intimately connected to its individual context and function.

“At Lantern Architecture we sculpt space for human habitation. My passion is creating beautiful, powerful spaces and places that become imbedded in the memory of those who experience them.”

Clinton Matthews, Director
ABWA Licence No. 2812



Clinton Matthews, Director, Registered Architect 2197, Registered Builder 102126

Business address

128a George St
Lantern Architecture
East Fremantle WA 6158

Postal address

PO Box 1328
Lantern Creative Pty Ltd
Fremantle WA 6959

Professional specialisations

> Architect
> Builders
> Building Designer/Draftsmen
> Conservator (Materials Conservation)
> Interpretation
> Landscape Architect
> Project Manager
> Trades

Service types

> Building Condition Assessment Report
> Building Design/Drafting
> Community Engagement
> Conservation Works
> Design Guidelines
> Heritage Asset Management
> Interpretation
> Master Planning
> Planning Policies
> Structure Plans

Trade types

> Builder
> Conservation Work
> Metalwork

Area of service

> Gascoyne
> Goldfields-Esperance
> Great Southern
> Kimberley
> Mid West
> Peel
> Perth Metro
> Pilbara
> South West
> Wheatbelt